Artificial Intelligence and Automation Team
New Research
本IDC PeerScape报告根据案例收集甄选,并对相应的IT负责人或领导者进行访谈,形成最终报告及观点。以某大型商业银行个人业务核心为例,介绍面对数据库升级后与传统硬件兼容性低、浪费硬件性能挑战时,通过软硬一体化改造的方式完成全栈Oracle替换;以中国移动某政企支撑核心为例,介绍在数据库迁移改造过程中关注迁移改造效率、降低项目风险的具体实践;以海底捞进销存系统为例,介绍面向C端场景资源占用弹性大、并发要求高等挑战,通过公有云方案降本增效;以招商银行和某全国性股份制商业银...
NetApp in collaboration with AWS announced scale-out FSx for ONTAP file systems. This will enhance the company's capabilities to offer better scalable storage as the demand for better compute and storage performance continues to be driven b...
This IDC Market Perspective provides IDC’s views, learnings, perspectives, and advice after attending McKinsey’s global analyst summit held on September 18 and 19, 2023, in New York City. This document discusses touring the company’s Innova...
Arm announced its new Arm Cortex-M52 microcontroller (MCU) for the AI IoT market. This announcement extends Arm’s offerings for applications looking for high-efficiency AI on MCU platforms. This product is designed to bring AI to small IoT ...
This IDC Perspective examines the adoption level of generative AI (GenAI) technologies in Vodafone Idea. The document's objective is to provide enterprises with practical insights and guidance relating to GenAI solutions adoption and ways o...
本調査レポートは、2024年時点における今後5年間にIT産業で起こるであろう10項目のIDCによる予測(Prediction)を示すと共に、ITリーダーがどのように準備すべきかの指針を提供するものである。「すべてのITプロバイダーは、金、頭脳、時間を投入して、AI(Artificial Intelligence:人工知能)をビジネスの中核に組み込むであろう。CIOや、デジタルに精通したCレベルの経営幹部にとって、この変化は新しく、革新的で、AIによって機能が強化された多くの製...
This IDC Market Presentation provides insights into current artificial intelligence (AI) server and storage market trends. IDC has built new models for the AI server and storage markets based on vendor input, financial community feedback, a...
This IDC Market Presentation provides services vendor ratings overall and by 14 service categories from IDC's ServicePath Survey, 2023.ServicesPath provides comprehensive data and guidance on the mind and journey of services buyers, for pro...
This IDC study represents a vendor assessment of the AI governance platforms market through the IDC MarketScape model. This assessment discusses both quantitative and qualitative characteristics that provide guidance about AI governance pla...
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