Artificial Intelligence and Automation Team
New Research
AMD's new products introduced at its Advancing AI event extend its AI processing portfolio and road map, with a key focus on generative AI (GenAI). The new announcements address the enterprise and cloud datacenter, high-performance computin...
This IDC study provides an overview of and definitions for markets and dimensions reported in IDC's Artificial Intelligence Infrastructure Tracker. This taxonomy outlines market segmentations and measurement methodologies for artificial int...
This IDC Market Glance provides a high-level view of generative AI (GenAI) foundation model providers within the GenAI technology and services landscape. IDC defines generative AI as a branch of computer science that involves unsupervised a...
This IDC Market Glance provides an overview of the business, IT, and operational technology services vendor landscape for generative AI (GenAI) services segmented by IDC's services foundation markets. This IDC Market Glance shows leading wo...
This IDC Market Glance offers a high-level view of the emerging generative AI (GenAI) technology and services landscape, with a focus on three categories of technologies: model build and orchestration, application development and deployment...
This IDC Market Perspective describes the key takeaways from the recently held PwC 2023 Analyst Day. PwC held the event in Boston, September 13 and 14, 2023, and presented a wide range of updates across all areas of its business, as well as...
At IBM Quantum Summit 2023, IBM made several announcements regarding the company's recent advancements along its quantum computing hardware road map. These advancements further IBM's commitment to making quantum accessible and useful for no...
本調査レポートは、『IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2024 Predictions - Japan Implications(IDC #JPJ50150423、2023年12月発行)』に付随して作成されたものである。ITサプライヤーの2つの役職、営業リーダーとマーケティングリーダーに対する提言を提供している。
本プレゼンテーションは、世界と国内において2024年から2029年にかけて起こる、IT市場に関する主要な10項目の予測(Predictions)について議論する。世界市場については『IDC FutureScape: Worldwide IT Industry 2024 Predictions (Japanese)(IDC #JPJ50150323、2023年12月発行)』において詳述しており、本プレゼンテーションでは、国内市場のPredictionsにおいて、世界市場からの変...
本IDC PeerScape报告根据案例收集甄选,并对相应的IT负责人或领导者进行访谈,形成最终报告及观点。以某大型商业银行个人业务核心为例,介绍面对数据库升级后与传统硬件兼容性低、浪费硬件性能挑战时,通过软硬一体化改造的方式完成全栈Oracle替换;以中国移动某政企支撑核心为例,介绍在数据库迁移改造过程中关注迁移改造效率、降低项目风险的具体实践;以海底捞进销存系统为例,介绍面向C端场景资源占用弹性大、并发要求高等挑战,通过公有云方案降本增效;以招商银行和某全国性股份制商业银...
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