Analyst Location

United States



Nimita Limaye

Research Vice President

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  • Cognizant 2024 Analyst Event: Focusing on Growth, Simplifying Operations, Striving to Become the Employer of Choice


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    • Jennifer Hamel Loading
    • Mukesh Dialani Loading
    • Philip Bues Loading
    • Gard Little Loading
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    • Nimita Limaye Loading


    Applications, Security software, Big data, Big data analytics and discovery, Cloud services, Hardware, Security products, Mobile security, Security appliance, Governance, risk and compliance infrastructure, Services, Outsourcing engagement services, Life-cycle services, Cloud computing, Mobility, Cognitive/artificial intelligence, Digital transformation, Innovation accelerators, Security and trust products

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  • IDC Health Insights’ Knowledge-based Medicine: Digital Transformation in Life Sciences, 2024


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    • Nimita Limaye Loading


    Applications, Big data analytics and discovery, Mobility

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  • IDC Life Sciences Generative AI Survey 2024


    • Michael Townsend Loading
    • Nimita Limaye Loading


    Applications, Big data analytics and discovery, Mobility

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC Survey Tech Supplier

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IDC Health Insights