IDC Predictions Team
New Research
本IDC研究报告将介绍对IT行业未来五年的十大预测及其关键驱动因素。报告重点介绍了企业的业务、技术和IT团队在定义、构建和治理致胜数字优先时代所需的技术时面临的中长期挑战。IDC全球研究副总裁Rick Villars表示:"未来几年,领先的技术提供商必须发挥主导作用,帮助企业利用创新技术渡过当前的颠覆风暴。"
This IDC Perspective examines the future of interactive voice response (IVR) given the growing interest in and adoption of conversational AI solutions for functions such as customer service, sales, and even help desk operations. The documen...
本調査レポートは、今後5年間にIT産業で起こるであろう10項目の予測(Prediction)と主要な促進要因(ドライバー)をまとめたものである。デジタルファーストの世界で成功するために必要なテクノロジーを定義、構築、管理する中で、企業のIT部門が直面する中期的および長期的な課題を明らかにしている。「今後数年間、主要なテクノロジープロバイダーは、企業が革新的なテクノロジーを使って現在の破壊的変化の嵐に対処できるように、主導的な役割を果たす必要がある」と、IDC Worldwid...
This IDC study evaluates vendors that offer MLOps technologies and capabilities. As customers are moving more models from experimentation to production, they need scalable ways to collaborate, operate, and operationalize machine learning mo...
This IDC study provides an assessment of 13 enterprise planning, budgeting, and forecasting applications vendors. The evaluation is based on a comprehensive and rigorous framework that assesses vendors relative to the criteria and one anoth...
This IDC study represents a vendor assessment of the machine translation (MT) software market through the IDC MarketScape model. This assessment discusses both quantitative and qualitative characteristics that provide guidance about machine...
IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue <$100 million that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology — or both. This IDC Innovators study profiles five vendors in the cloud platform...
This IDC Market Presentation provides insights that IDC is sharing with executives at a number of enterprises, technology providers, and investment entities. Waves of interconnected economic, political, and social disruptions threaten to ba...
This IDC study provides IDC's 2023 top 10 predictions for data and content technologies applied to analytics, decisioning, and operational workloads."We are excited to share the data and content technologies predictions from our global team...
This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for the future of digital infrastructure for 2023."Digital infrastructure provides the underpinning for digital business agility and innovation," explains Mary Johnston Turner, research VP, F...
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