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Advancing to CIO



Mona Liddell

Research Manager, Quantitative Analysis, CIO Executive Research

  • By:  Mona Liddell Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Survey Spotlight explores the critical challenges CIOs face in aligning digital infrastructure with business goals, emphasizing the common focus on AI and security with the underlying issue of technical debt. It examines...
  • By:  Mona Liddell Loading

    This IDC Tech Buyer Survey Spotlight delves into the top factors limiting further evaluation or expanded use of generative AI (GenAI). The survey responses were collected from 612 IT professionals who participated in IDC's Future Enterprise...
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    • Mona Liddell Loading
    • Christopher Tozzi Loading
    本IDC看法重点介绍了当今北美企业网络安全实践的关键趋势。许多企业的网络安全战略仍然存在重大短板。尽管典型企业已投资了大量的网络安全工具和战略,但仍有相当多的企业在远程终端安全、IAM控制、应用和软件供应链安全、补救和响应以及GRC等领域存在不足。令人欣慰的是,已经有弥补这些短板的解决方案,而且对于大多数企业来说,这些解决方案通常触手可及。因此,要加强网络安全,就必须确定贵公司还需要哪些工具和做法,然后加以采用。IDC CIO/CXO信息科技智库服务助理研究顾问Chris T...
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