Accelerate Success with Limited Budgets and Resources

This client wanted to accelerate success with limited budgets and resources. They partnered with IDC to clearly define the total addressable market, market fit, and market growth potential.

The Situation

This startup with global representation was ready to accelerate success. They needed help to identify and prioritize market opportunities specific to their offering.

The Solution

The client worked with several IDC analysts to identify the drivers and inhibitors globally and regionally in the markets they wanted to pursue. This allowed them to extract a clear value proposition and differentiate themselves in the market.

“I’ve worked with a lot of industry analysts, and I think one thing that helps IDC differentiate itself from others is the value IDC places on the client relationship to ensure we achieve our overall program goals.”

The Results

Crisp and concise messaging to highlight the differentiated value

SWOT analysis to help validate the price point

Identification of adjacent markets and opportunities to form the future growth strategy