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Seiichiro Yoshii

Senior Market Analyst, Software/Service Solutions, Data & Analytics, IDC Japan

  • By: 

    • David Tapper Loading
    • Peter Marston Loading
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Francesca Ciarletta Loading
    • Ewa Zborowska Loading
    • Pushkaraksh Shanbhag Loading
    • Daniel Povis Loading
    • Satoshi Matsumoto Loading
    • Courtney Munroe Loading
    • Seiichiro Yoshii Loading
    • Takuya Uemura Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading
    This IDC study provides a detailed view of IDC's taxonomy for the extraction market called managed cloud services (MCS) that incorporates IDC's five technology outsourcing services foundation markets and its relationship to the overall port...
  • By: 

    • David Tapper Loading
    • Peter Marston Loading
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Francesca Ciarletta Loading
    • Ewa Zborowska Loading
    • Pushkaraksh Shanbhag Loading
    • Daniel Povis Loading
    • Satoshi Matsumoto Loading
    • Courtney Munroe Loading
    • Seiichiro Yoshii Loading
    • Takuya Uemura Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading
    This IDC study provides IDC's forecast and spending for the worldwide managed cloud services (MCS) market across eight major regions for the 2023–2027 forecast period. IDC views managed cloud services as an extraction view of IDC's technolo...
  • By: 

    • Takuya Uemura Loading
    • Satoshi Matsumoto Loading
    • Mimei Ito Loading
    • Gentarou Yuki
    • Seiichiro Yoshii Loading
    本プレゼンテーションは、2023年~2028年における世界および国内のサービス市場で予測される10項目の主要な動向(Predictions)をまとめたものである。米国において発行された『IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Services 2023 Predictions(IDC #US48534822、2022年10月発行)』の内容を基に、国内市場の状況を考慮して一部変更を加えた。なお、本プレゼンテーション内の数値は、断りなく使用されている場合は世界市場の...
More results   for Analyst Research
  • Worldwide Managed Cloud Services Forecast, 2024–2028: An Extraction View of Technology Outsourcing Services Markets


    • Seiichiro Yoshii Loading
    • Peter Marston Loading
    • Francesca Ciarletta Loading
    • Courtney Munroe Loading
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Ewa Zborowska Loading
    • David Tapper Loading
    • Satoshi Matsumoto Loading
    • Daniel Povis Loading
    • Pushkaraksh Shanbhag Loading
    • Takuya Uemura Loading
    • Sreenivas Duvvuri Venkata Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading


    Software, Big data, Big data analytics and discovery, Cloud services, Hardware, Storage and the cloud, Telecom, broadband and video, Telecommunications, Telecommunications infrastructure, Enterprise mobility, Services, Project-oriented engagement services, Outsourcing engagement services, Solution services, Life-cycle services, Global IT and economic markets, Cloud computing, Mobility, Internet of things, 3D printer, Digital transformation, Blockchain, Innovation accelerators, Security and trust products

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Forecast Tech Supplier

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Japan Services