Analyst Location

South Africa



Middle East and Africa

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Jonathan Tullett

Senior Research Manager, IT Services, IDC

  • By: 

    • Harish Dunakhe Loading
    • Jebin George Loading
    • Manish Ranjan Loading
    • Uzair Mujtaba Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading
    • Ayse Kaptanoglu Loading
    • Nitesh Rathi Loading
    Accelerated cloud adoption is not a new trend anymore. In fact, cloud has become one of the most preferred deployment options for organizations in the Middle East, Türkiye, and Africa (META) region that are looking to drive their digital tr...
  • By: 

    • David Tapper Loading
    • Peter Marston Loading
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Francesca Ciarletta Loading
    • Ewa Zborowska Loading
    • Pushkaraksh Shanbhag Loading
    • Daniel Povis Loading
    • Satoshi Matsumoto Loading
    • Courtney Munroe Loading
    • Seiichiro Yoshii Loading
    • Takuya Uemura Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading
    This IDC study provides a detailed view of IDC's taxonomy for the extraction market called managed cloud services (MCS) that incorporates IDC's five technology outsourcing services foundation markets and its relationship to the overall port...
  • By:  Jonathan Tullett Loading

    This IDC Market Share study reviews the top IT services providers in South Africa taken from the IDC Worldwide Services Tracker. Market shares are derived from information collected from IT and business services providers, as well as from a...
More results   for Analyst Research
  • META Cloud Native Application Workload Modernization and Customization Services Trends - Key Priorities, Consideration & Challenges


    • Mufasir Yousuf Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading



    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Presentation Tech Supplier

  • Middle East Turkiye & Africa Public Cloud Trends Webcast: Mid-year Update, 2024


    • Harish Dunakhe Loading
    • Jebin George Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading
    • Ayse Kaptanoglu Loading


    Cloud computing

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Web Conference: Tech Supplier Tech Supplier

  • South Africa IT Services Market Share, 2023: Competitive Landscape in the Digital Business Era


    • Derrick Chikanga Loading
    • Jonathan Tullett Loading


    Software, Big data, Big data analytics and discovery, Hardware, Storage and the cloud, Telecom, broadband and video, Telecommunications, Enterprise mobility, Global IT and economic markets, Cloud computing, Mobility, Internet of things, 3D printer, Digital transformation, Blockchain, Innovation accelerators

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Share Tech Supplier

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