Security Team

Linus Lai

Vice President

Jaclynn Anderson

Research Director, Cybersecurity

Sophia Wang

Senior Research Analyst

Austin Zhao

Senior Research Manager

Christopher Kissel

Research Vice President, Security & Trust Products

Hoang Nguyen

Group Vice President, Worldwide Tracker Program

Jay Bretzmann

Research Vice President, Security Products

Pete Finalle

Research Manager, Security & Trust

Ryan O’Leary

Research Director, Privacy and Legal Technology

Frank Dickson

Group Vice President, Security & Trust

Mike Jude

Research Director, Endpoint Security

Simon Piff

Research Vice President

Grace Trinidad

Research Director, Future of Trust

Scott Tiazkun

Research Manager, Security Services

Michelle Abraham

Research Director, Security and Trust

Amy Cravens

Research Manager, Sustainability and ESG Software

Philip Bues

Sr. Research Manager, Cloud Security

Monika Soltysik

Senior Research Analyst, Security & Trust Products

Jennifer Glenn

Research Director

New Research

  • By: 

    • Sophia Wang Loading
    • James Wang Loading
    • Catherine Hong Loading
    • Austin Zhao Loading
    • Frank Dickson Loading
    This IDC TechScape evaluates and analyzes China's data security market systemically. The IDC TechScape model visualizes the stages of different data security technology developments and divides data security technologies into transformation...
  • By:  Amy Cravens Loading

    This IDC study discusses automating compliance management for better efficacy and efficiency. Compliance management has become incredibly complex with the breakneck pace of regulatory change coupled with differing requirements by business u...
  • By:  Ryan O’Leary Loading

    This IDC study represents a vendor assessment of providers offering ediscovery early case assessment software through the IDC MarketScape model. The assessment reviews both quantitative and qualitative characteristics that define current ma...
  • By: 

    • Sophia Wang Loading
    • James Wang Loading
  • By:  Amy Cravens Loading

    This IDC study assesses third-party risk management (TPRM) platforms provided by TPRM vendors through the IDC MarketScape model. The research includes both quantitative and qualitative criteria that can be used to evaluate a vendor's offeri...
  • By: 

    • Niel Nickolaisen Loading
    • Frank Dickson Loading
    • Joseph C. Pucciarelli
    This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides CIOs and other technology leaders with timely global IDC survey data and research insights. The data in this presentation sheds light on how global CIOs should view threat detection and management. ...
  • By: 

    • Sophia Wang Loading
    • James Wang Loading
    • Catherine Hong Loading
    • Austin Zhao Loading
    • Frank Dickson Loading
    本次 IDC 研究使用 IDC TechScape 模型对中国数据安全市场进行了系统化的评估与分析。IDC TechScape 模型将不同数据安全技术的发展阶段进行了可视化展示,其将数据安全技术分成了变革型技术、主导型技术和机会型技术三大类,根据市场调研结果,细致分析了不同技术的部署情况、部署风险、市场热度、技术优劣势等内容,并针对每一项技术给出了推荐厂商名录,帮助最终用户在了解技术发展阶段和内容的同时更好地选择合适的技术服务提供商,从而赋能最终用户的数据安全体系建设。"20...
  • By:  Michelle Abraham Loading

    This IDC study discusses how breach and attack simulation to improve trust outcomes."With continued risk of cyberattack, organizations need to know where they have gaps in their cyberdefenses," states Michelle Abraham, research director, Se...
  • By:  Amy Cravens Loading

    This IDC PlanScape discusses incorporating ESG into enterprise risk and compliance management."With increasing reporting regulations emerging in the United States and internationally, organizations are increasing prioritization of ESG," say...
  • By:  Ryan O’Leary Loading

    IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue <$100 million that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology — or both. This IDC Innovators study profiles three vendors in legal research so...

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