target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2022 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US48970222

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide eDiscovery Early Case Assessment Software 2022 Vendor Assessment

By:  Ryan O’Leary Loading


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This IDC study represents a vendor assessment of providers offering ediscovery early case assessment software through the IDC MarketScape model. The assessment reviews both quantitative and qualitative characteristics that define current market demands and expected buyer needs for offering ediscovery early case assessment. The evaluation is based on a comprehensive and rigorous framework that assesses how each vendor stacks up, and the framework highlights the key factors that are expected to be the most significant for achieving success in the ediscovery early case assessment market over the short term and long term.

"When evaluating technology to optimize your early case assessment workflows, it is important to consider the types of data that you will be collecting and the makeup of your legal operations department. Within the market, there are a variety of players that can suit an organization's needs. Not every organization needs deep analytics and AI to cull its data." — Ryan O'Leary, research director, Privacy and Legal Technology at IDC


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