target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51249923

From Perception to Practice: Revenue Life-Cycle Management, Aligning IT and LOB Priorities, and the Potential Future of RLM

By:  Heather Hershey Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective delves into the nuances of differing perspectives based on SaaS customer feedback in IDC's 2023 SaaSPath Survey. In the dynamic world of digital commerce, revenue life-cycle management (RLM) stands out as essential for efficient operations and revenue optimization. Yet there's a notable difference in how it's viewed by line-of-business (LOB) and IT buyers, two key figures in SaaS adoption. Their contrasting perspectives on RLM highlight its complexity and the need for a cohesive approach. This document examines these varied viewpoints, their root causes, and suggests a way forward for RLM vendors to strategically engage with a wider range of informed buyers.

"Revenue life-cycle management stands out as a pivotal thread, weaving together myriad processes that drive business success. The data from IDC's 2023 SaaSPath Survey offers a telling snapshot. The emphasis on order management, especially among IT buyers, suggests a yearning for simplicity. It's reminiscent of a bygone era when one platform could, theoretically, do it all. It's equally plausible that today's buyers, inundated with a plethora of specialized tools, are signaling a desire for more integrated, holistic solutions," said Heather Hershey, research director, Worldwide Digital Commerce at IDC. "Buyers across SaaS are expressing a need for streamlined, cohesive platforms that can seamlessly manage the entire top-to-bottom revenue life cycle while providing the catalyst for precisely delivered customer experiences in B2B and beyond."


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