Analyst Location





Western Europe

Carla Arend

AVP, Cloud Research, Europe

  • By: 

    • Matthew Wilkins Loading
    • Jennifer Thomson Loading
    • Stuart Wilson Loading
    • Carla Arend Loading
    • Milan Kalal Loading
    • Dominique Bindels Loading
    This IDC Market Perspective emphasizes the importance of redefining customer value delivery through ecosystem innovation in the digital and AI-everywhere era. IDC's research highlights the urgency for companies to not only optimize internal...
  • By: 

    • Carla Arend Loading
    • Francesca Ciarletta Loading
    • Rahiel Nasir Loading
    • Ewa Zborowska Loading
    • Leonardo Freitas Loading
    • Filippo Vanara Loading
    This IDC MarketScape presents a vendor assessment for the public cloud infrastructure-as-a-service (IaaS) market in Europe based on the IDC MarketScape model. The IaaS providers identified were evaluated using the IDC MarketScape model, and...
  • By:  Carla Arend Loading

    This IDC Survey presentation looks at European customers' expectations of the role of cloud in their GenAI journeys. The report analyses responses from the European sample of IDC's Future Enterprise Resiliency & Spending Survey (FERS), ...
More results   for Analyst Research
  • Cloud and sustainability: How European organizations can use cloud to achieve their ESG goals


    • Katharina Grimme Loading
    • Carla Arend Loading


    Cloud services, Cloud computing

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

  • Cloud migration strategies for application modernization: How do European companies use the cloud to modernize their application landscape


    • Carla Arend Loading
    • Leonardo Freitas Loading


    Cloud services, Cloud computing

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 IDC Survey Tech Supplier

  • Cloud-center of excellence: a sign of maturity on the cloud journey


    Carla Arend Loading


    Cloud services, Cloud computing

    Planned for CY2024 Q3 Market Perspective Tech Supplier

More results   for Planned Research