Analyst Location

United States


Carol M. Glasheen

Vice President, Quantitative Research Group, Custom Solutions

  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Carol M. Glasheen Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Andrea Siviero Loading
    • Shane Rau Loading
    • Vijay Bhagavath
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Carl W. Olofson Loading
    • Yanxia Lu Loading
    • Karen Massey Loading
    • Patty Bu Loading
    This IDC Survey examines how enterprises are preparing for a new chapter of the digital business era: AI everywhere. The dramatic increase in awareness of generative AI (GenAI) in early 2023 triggered the dawn of this new chapter. In the se...
  • By: 

    • Rick Villars Loading
    • Andrea Siviero Loading
    • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading
    • Carol M. Glasheen Loading
    • David Schubmehl Loading
    • Mary Johnston Turner Loading
    • Shane Rau Loading
    • Vijay Bhagavath
    • Peter Rutten Loading
    • Jason Bremner Loading
    • Carl W. Olofson Loading
    • Yanxia Lu Loading
    This IDC Survey provides key findings from IDC's Global GenAI Awareness, Readiness, and Commitment (ARC) Survey and is the first in a series of IDC documents based on the Global GenAI ARC Survey that will investigate the implications of Gen...