target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52327724

The Expanding Scope of AI-Based Employee Personalization: Scaling Through HR and Beyond


  • Zachary Chertok Loading
  • Sam Halwani


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This IDC Market Perspective explores how VoE insights are building a case for redesigning operational management from the front office to the back office rather than in the other direction. Orchestrating to meet the realities of work execution requires multiple layers of improvement to resource planning and design across the HR, operations, procurement, and financial remits. With only one belonging directly to HR, increasing digital touch points across the digital workspace and physical workplace connects all aspects of work choices into frameworks for AI personalization at work. As HR inadvertently leads the charge on VoE-informed business transformation, organizations will require guidance through aspects of culture, digital, operational, and resourcing changes needed to succeed. The journey up the mountain will be steep and require guidance, but it will get easier the closer the company gets to the summit.

"Getting to the next wave of digital transformation requires technology suppliers to support and guide clients beyond traditional digital support models," says Zachary Chertok, research manager for Employee Experience at IDC. "The next wave includes a drive to reorchestrate operational data into a common platform for insights that supports direct and AI-based personalization for front-office employees at work. As personalization ties in a fuller remit of everything operational, clients will need to change their leadership culture as well as how the front office trusts to contribute data."


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