target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US52077024

IDC PeerScape: Practices to Improve Workforce Experience with Unified Platform Strategies in Hospitality and Travel

By:  Dorothy Creamer Loading


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This IDC PeerScape looks at how leading hospitality and travel brands have successfully applied unified platform strategies to achieve business objectives while engaging and empowering frontline workforce. Operators should use this document to understand how to approach an enterprise platform migration, from understanding the problems that need solving to choosing a technology partner that best addresses the operator's needs.

"As hospitality operators continue to go through digital transformation projects, technology strategies must be architected through not just the lens of the guest but the employee as well," says Dorothy Creamer, research manager, IDC's Hospitality and Travel Digital Transformation Strategies. "Modern tools will only be successful if associates are given training to understand the potential and embrace solution upgrades. Enterprise platforms offer resolutions to many pressing business challenges, such as seamless access to data and streamlined workflows, but there must be clear two-way communication for hospitality and travel environments to enjoy the benefits."


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