target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2023 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US51224222

IDC PeerScape: Retail Intelligence Practices to Apply GenAI Across Use Cases

By:  Ananda Chakravarty Loading


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This IDC PeerScape helps retail operational leaders consider the implications of what GenAI can offer them, especially as best practices have yet to be formed. We examine the importance of a data infrastructure and hear from peers in the industry about the wide variety of use cases available. We then dive deeper into a common retail digital use case, the chatbot, and determine if there is an alternative that might make more sense when starting out with GenAI.

"GenAI is revolutionary, but to tap into that power, retailers must embrace quality data, prioritization of use cases, and sometimes unconventional ways to look at the human-machine collaboration," says Ananda Chakravarty, VP of Research, IDC Retail Insights.


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