target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50881223

A Deeper Look at VOC 2.0 and Unstructured Data

By:  Lou Reinemann Loading


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This IDC Perspective highlights the potential improvements in VOC implementations, emphasizing the importance of real-time personalized customer experiences. VOC practitioners are encouraged to leverage unstructured data alongside structured data to gain a comprehensive understanding of customer sentiment and satisfaction. Despite the rapid accumulation of unstructured data offering valuable insights into the customer journey, organizations face challenges in generating accurate insights and ensuring their applicability across the organization.

"Unstructured data is being gathered at an unprecedented pace and can provide valuable insights to the customer journey, yet many organizations struggle to develop accurate insights from this data and further are unable to ensure it can be used across their organizations," says Lou Reinemann, research director for Voice of the Customer and Customer Success at IDC. "It will be exciting to see how these VOC implementations improve in the next few years to truly provide real-time personalized experiences for customers."


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