target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50880324

Worldwide Persuasive Content Management Applications Software Market Shares, 2023: GenAI Brings Change to Content Systems and Vendors

By:  Marci Maddox Loading


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This IDC study contains market shares for the worldwide persuasive content management applications software market for 2023 software revenue. It includes commentary on growth of the market, emerging digital experience trends, and actionable advice for website software, digital asset management, video platform, product content management, digital adoption platforms, and content marketing technology suppliers.

"The introduction of generative AI expands the value of content creation and management to improve productivity and assist customer needs," states Marci Maddox, research vice president, Digital Experience Strategies at IDC. "Highly performant and digitally accessible websites, authentic and rights-managed digital assets, and interactive rich media will continue to be relevant for better customer experiences."


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