target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Feb 2022 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US48585022

IDC PlanScape: Leveraging Real-World Data Monetization Models for Life Sciences

By:  Nimita Limaye Loading


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This IDC PlanScape addresses the growing importance of data to the life sciences industry and provides guidance on building out a strategy to optimally leverage real-world data, understand the different data monetization models offered, identify the key stakeholders involved, and choose the right partners and pricing and business models so as to maximize the return on investment from the data or insights acquired.

"Data-driven business model transformation is reshaping the life sciences industry. While data has become the healthcare industry's most valuable asset, the healthcare industry is still evolving strategies to maximize its economic benefits. Data is truly the foreign exchange that is connecting the dots between healthcare and life sciences." — Dr. Nimita Limaye, research vice president, Life Sciences R&D Strategy and Technology at IDC Health Insights


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