target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Sep 2021 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # US47252621

IDC PeerScape: Hospitality and Travel Peer Insights for Leveraging Artificial Intelligence

By:  Dorothy Creamer Loading


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This IDC PeerScape highlights several use cases from Choice Hotels International, Pizza Hut UK, and a major online travel agency (OTA) in which they illustrate how applying artificial intelligence to systems has improved customer service and operations and identified new business opportunities.

"Artificial intelligence has forever changed how hospitality and travel organizations must approach not only customer experience but operational efficiencies," says Dorothy Creamer, research manager, Hospitality and Travel Digital Transformation Strategies at IDC. "The application of AI into business processes has proven to be a successful strategy for business resiliency and has empowered hotels, airlines, and restaurants to develop and enhance the new business models that have allowed business continuity. AI is making it feasible for organizations of all sizes to change how they interact with customers, improve operations, and identify new business opportunities."


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