target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2021 - Document type: IDC MarketScape - Doc  Document number: # US46766521

IDC MarketScape: Worldwide Digital Strategy Consulting Services 2021 Vendor Assessment

By:  Douglas Hayward Loading


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This IDC study uses the IDC MarketScape methodology to provide an assessment of 13 of the major providers of digital strategy consulting services worldwide. This evaluation is based on a comprehensive framework and a set of parameters that assesses providers relative to one another and measures vendors according to those factors expected to be most conducive to success in a given market during both the short term and the long term.

"Businesses and public bodies have never in living memory experienced such a disruptive and fast-moving environment on multiple levels — including the economic, social, demographic, technological, and political levels," said Douglas Hayward, research director, Digital Strategy and Agency Services at IDC. "Organizations face a range of challenges and opportunities whose effects for many of them will be transformative. Technology will play a key role in how they sense, understand, and then address the challenges and opportunities that will define their immediate and possibly long-term future."

"Clients are therefore looking for consulting partners that anticipate how the world around them is changing, that can help them craft a vision for the future, and that grasp the centrality of technology in understanding and meeting new consumer and business needs," added Hayward. "And just as importantly, at a time when the world is seemingly being turned upside down, they want partners that challenge them and open their eyes to new possibilities. Great digital strategy consultancies do all this by operating not just at the business and technology levels but at the human level, too."


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