target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # EUR152105524

Google Shows how Cloud and AI are the Perfect Bedfellows


  • Rahiel Nasir Loading
  • Carla Arend Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective presents some of the highlights from Next, Google's annual industry showcase that was held in Las Vegas in April 2024. The company was keen to show how generative AI's impact has quickly shifted from concept to reality. It highlighted a new era of AI in Europe, with many use cases represented by big-name companies from the continent such as Bayer, Mercedes-Benz, and Orange leveraging Google's technology. Europe is also a lead market for digital sovereignty. Google has a two-pronged approach here, with a strategy based on the understanding that one size does not fit all and that working with trusted local partners is vital for sovereignty success. The firm emphasized a focus on industry clouds, which is increasingly being adopted across the region.

"We believe customers will generate the most business value by creating industry-specific use cases for the cloud and by leveraging AI and generative AI technologies that solve a specific business need for them. Google's leadership in the data and analytics space should help win new deals here," said Carla Arend, Associate Vice President for Cloud Research, IDC Europe.


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