target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jan 2022 - Document type: IDC PeerScape - Doc  Document number: # EUR148615521

IDC PeerScape: European Success in Building a Data Culture


  • Philip Carnelley
  • James Eibisch Loading
  • Martin Sundblad
  • Neil Ward-Dutton Loading


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IDC interviewed some leading European companies that had seen success in building a data culture to examine the practices that helped them on their path to a data culture.

"Becoming a data-driven organization is an aspirational goal for many European organizations, and rightly so," said Philip Carnelley, AVP for Data and Analytics Research in Europe. "IDC research shows that being data driven is highly correlated with better company performance. However, only a minority have truly managed to make serious headway in achieving this. An important part of the journey to data-driven is creating a data culture widely across the organization. From recent interviews with European companies, we have identified four best practices in achieving a data culture."


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