target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Dec 2023 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # AP50323923

What Do Organizations Think of 5G — Are the 5G Benefits Overhyped or Real?


  • Nikhil Batra Loading
  • Monica Collier


  • 2 slides

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This IDC Survey Spotlight examines the current enterprises' perception of 5G, as it applies to their businesses. With characteristics such as very high bandwidth and speeds, ultralow latency, and ability to connect a massive number of devices, 5G was positioned by SPs as the next-generation connectivity to address a wide variety of challenges across industries. IDC's Asia/Pacific Enterprise Connectivity and Telecom Services Survey (n=700), which concluded in November 2023, examines what do end-user enterprises think about 5G. How does it apply to their business?

"Organizations in Asia/Pacific are unsure of the practical applications of 5G, and although they understand the theoretical benefits of 5G, they do not understand how it can be leveraged as part of their overall ICT infrastructure for maximum benefit," explains Nikhil Batra, research director, Telecom and IoT, IDC Asia/Pacific. "Communication SPs have an uphill task to convince organizations of the value of 5G, and must look at adjacent technologies such as edge to demonstrate the benefits of an integrated 5G and edge ecosystem."


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