Security Team

Sophia Wang

Senior Research Analyst

Austin Zhao

Senior Research Manager

Christopher Kissel

Research Vice President, Security & Trust Products

Hoang Nguyen

Group Vice President, Worldwide Tracker Program

Jay Bretzmann

Research Vice President, Security Products

Pete Finalle

Research Manager, Security & Trust

Ryan O’Leary

Research Director, Privacy and Legal Technology

Frank Dickson

Group Vice President, Security & Trust

Mike Jude

Research Director, Endpoint Security

Simon Piff

Research Vice President

Grace Trinidad

Research Director, Future of Trust

Scott Tiazkun

Research Manager, Security Services

Michelle Abraham

Research Director, Security and Trust

Amy Cravens

Research Manager, GRC and ESG Management and Reporting Technologies

Philip Bues

Sr. Research Manager, Cloud Security

Monika Soltysik

Senior Research Analyst, Security & Trust Products

Jennifer Glenn

Research Director

New Research

  • By: 

    • Ryan O’Leary Loading
    • Mickey North Rizza Loading
    This IDC study represents a vendor assessment of providers offering contract life-cycle management software for corporate legal through the IDC MarketScape model. The assessment reviews both quantitative and qualitative characteristics that...
  • By: 

    • Bjoern Stengel Loading
    • Daphne Chung Loading
    • Rob Brothers Loading
    • Amy Cravens Loading
    • Glen Duncan
    • Stephanie Krishnan Loading
    • Vladimir Kroa Loading
    • Susan G. Middleton
    • Reid Paquin Loading
    • Amita Potnis
    • Curtis Price Loading
    • Dr. Chris Marshall Loading
    • Marta Muñoz Méndez-Villamil
    This IDC study provides IDC's top 10 predictions for sustainability for 2022."Corporate sustainability isn't just here to stay — it is becoming a business imperative for organizations around the world," said Bjoern Stengel, research lead, G...
  • By: 

    • Jonathan Lang Loading
    • Jan Burian Loading
    • Jennifer Cooke Loading
    • Stacy Crook
    • Mukesh Dialani Loading
    • Leif Eriksen
    • Patrick Filkins
    • Pete Finalle Loading
    • Stephanie Krishnan Loading
    This IDC study presents IDC's analysis of key trends and drivers relating to the convergence and integration of information technology (IT) with operational technology (OT) and how these trends are likely to shape the development of IT/OT c...
  • By: 

    • Amita Potnis
    • Frank Dickson Loading
    • Denis Maslennikov
    • Reid Paquin Loading
    • Philip Bues Loading
    • Christopher Kissel Loading
    • Ryan O’Leary Loading
    • Michael Suby
    • Christina Richmond
    • Simon Piff Loading
    • Christopher Rodriguez Loading
    • Alan Webber Loading
    This IDC study discusses the top 10 predictions for worldwide future of trust for 2022."Organizations' futures are built on trust and that is evident in IDC's top 10 future of trust predictions," according to Amita Potnis, director and glob...
  • By:  Sophia Wang Loading

  • By: 

    • Deepan Pathy
    • Simon Piff Loading
    This IDC PeerScape presents three practices for the adoption of low-code platforms: expediting the delivery time of web and mobile applications using low code; investing in agile for easy scalability; and training citizen developers on low ...
  • By:  Austin Zhao Loading

    《中华人民共和国网络安全法》(以下简称《网络安全法》)是中国第一部全面规范网络空间安全管理方面问题的基础性法律,是网络安全领域"依法治国、依法治网"的重要法律依据,对保障中国网络空间安全有着里程碑式的意义。继《网络安全法》后,我国又相继发布并施行了众多相关法律条例以及行业标准,例如等级保护条例2.0、《信息安全技术 个人信息安全规范》、《电信网和互联网数据安全通用要求》、《银行业金融机构数据治理指引》等,以持续完善和细化网络安全相关的多项要求。2021年6月10日,我国在数据...
  • By:  Jay Bretzmann Loading

    This IDC study presents a vendor assessment of the 2021 advanced authentication for identity security vendor market using the IDC MarketScape model. Most of the vendors in this space will typically explain how they're following a "land and ...
  • By: 

    • Sophia Wang Loading
    • James Wang Loading
    IDC 创新者是指年营业额低于$100M、有创新性技术或突破性商业模式的新兴厂商。本次 IDC 创新者研究对北京卓识网安技术股份有限公司(卓识网安)、博智安全科技股份有限公司(博智安全)、上海观安信息技术股份有限公司(观安信息)、西安四叶草信息技术有限公司(四叶草安全)的网络安全服务进行了全面调研。"近几年,在政策、市场环境和威胁形势的共同推动下,中国网络安全服务市场开始蓬勃发展,除综合型网络安全厂商之外,众多托管安全服务提供商、专业领域安全服务提供商迎来了市场增长期。其中,...
  • By:  Ryan O’Leary Loading

    This IDC TechBrief explores the benefits, costs, and risks of transforming the legal department and embracing legal service delivery software. "Legal departments can no longer exist on an island. Digital collaboration across the entire ente...

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