target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50601523

Worldwide Video Surveillance Camera Market Shares, 2022: Increasing Competition and a Focus on Business

By:  Mike Jude Loading


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This IDC study reviews the worldwide video surveillance camera market shares for 2022. As a companion piece to the upcoming video surveillance camera market forecast, this document can be used to assess the impact that various market competitors are having on market growth and those that are benefitting from the evolution of video surveillance from a purely safety capability to one that has a more profound impact on business metrics.

"Video surveillance camera market growth is being driven less by safety and security applications and more by business analysis applications," says Mike Jude, research director for IDC's Video Surveillance and Vision Applications practice. "The video surveillance camera market is now characterized by a few major competitors and a myriad of smaller ones. As Chinese vendors occupy less of the overall market, smaller competitors are capturing more of the expanding market, overall."


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