target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2022 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49279122

CIO Guidance: Building a FinOps Team


  • Robert Multhaup Loading
  • Jevin Jensen Loading


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Table of Contents

  • Executive Snapshot

    • Figure: Executive Snapshot: Building a FinOps Team

  • Situation Overview

    • FinOps Is Needed to Manage the Expanding Cloud

    • Expanding Cloud

    • FinOps Value Proposition

    • The FinOps Core Team

    • Informing Engineers

    • Business Partners

    • FinOps Goal

    • FinOps Teams Address a New Set of Cloud Pain Points with a New Set of Capabilities

    • Inform, Optimize, and Operate

    • Top-Ranked Pain Points

    • Table: FinOps Pain Points with Enterprise FinOps Response Roles

    • Top-Ranked Capabilities

    • Table: FinOps Priority Capabilities and Business Contribution and Benefit

    • FinOps Teams Are Growing from the "Crawl" Stage to "Walk" and "Run" Stages

    • Team Size and Structure

    • FinOps Team Lead

    • Team Size and Growth

    • Table: Typical FinOps Team Size Evolution

    • FinOps Requires a Collaborative Culture Integrated Across the Enterprise

    • Enterprise Culture

    • Team Training

    • Changing Processes

    • Decisions Need to Be Made Around When, Why, and How to Automate Cloud Management

    • Automation Architecture

  • Advice for the Technology Buyer

    • Design and Build a Rightsized FinOps Core Team and Enterprise Culture

    • Cloud Size and Complexity

    • Organizational Complexity

    • Architecture Integration

    • FinOps Lead Role

    • Early Engineering Collaboration

    • Business Involvement in Decisions

    • Determine When and the Degree of Cloud Automation Required

    • Automation Benefits

    • Implementation Tips

    • Develop a Checklist of Prioritized Considerations That the CIO Can Take Action on

    • CIO Action Checklist

    • Table: FinOps Organizational Design Considerations

  • Learn More

    • Related Research

    • Synopsis