target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2020 - Document type: IDC FutureScape - Doc  Document number: # US46920420

IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Data and Analytics 2021 Predictions


  • Chandana Gopal
  • Stewart Bond Loading
  • Lynne Schneider Loading
  • Marci Maddox Loading
  • Ali Zaidi
  • Carl W. Olofson Loading
  • Archana Venkatraman Loading
  • Sandeep Sharma
  • Christopher Kissel Loading


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Table of Contents

  • IDC FutureScape Figure

    • Figure: IDC FutureScape: Worldwide Data and Analytics 2021 Top 10 Predictions

  • Executive Summary

  • IDC FutureScape Predictions

    • Summary of External Drivers

    • Predictions: Impact on Technology Buyers

    • Prediction 1: By 2023, 60% of Organizations Will Have Begun Implementing DataOps Programs to Reduce the Number of Data and Analytics Errors by 80%, Increasing Trust in Analytic Outcomes and Efficiency of Gen-D Workers

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 2: By 2023, 50% of Organizations Will Adopt a "Data Supermarket" Strategy to Unify Data Storage, Access, and Governance Capabilities to Deliver a Consistent Data Experience and Maximize Value of Data

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 3: By 2024, 70% of Enterprises Will Have Integrated Their Edge-Generated Data with Cloud-Based Enterprise Systems to Allow for Real-Time Actioning Based on IoT Analytics, Including AI/ML

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 4: By 2021, 75% of Enterprises Will Use New, External Data Sources to Enhance Their Cross-Functional Decision-Making Capabilities in Ways That Increase Value Compared with Using Internal Data Alone

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 5: By 2025, 30% of SMBs Will Adopt Cloud-Native Data-Driven Apps That Intelligently Adapt Their Behavior to the Needs of the Business

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 6: By 2023, 50% of G2000 Companies Will Have Active Development Teams Seeking to Externally Monetize Their Data to Enhance Traditional Offerings, Drive Innovation, or Deliver Data and Analytics as a Service

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 7: By 2023, Only 10% of G2000 Will Establish a Strategic Automation-Specific COE to Intelligently Collect, Process, and Realize the Full Potential of Unstructured Data in Business-Resilient Workflows

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 8: By 2023, 25% of Enterprises Will Have Headless Analytics Embedded into the Business, Thereby Improving Real-Time Operational Decision Making and Achieving Process Automation

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 9: By 2024, 50% of Analytics Services That Organizations Receive Will Be Delivered via Software-Enabled Automation, Driving Higher Levels of Consistency in Delivery Processes and Shorter Delivery Time

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

    • Prediction 10: By 2024, 25% of Organizations Will Use Crowdsourcing for Data and Analytics Innovation Initiatives to Compensate for the Scarcity of Advanced Analytics Skills and Speed Up the Innovation Process

    • Associated Drivers

    • IT Impact

    • Guidance

  • Advice for Technology Buyers

  • External Drivers: Detail

    • Intelligence Everywhere — Data Drives Action

    • Accelerated Disruption — Crisis, Resilience, and Opportunity

    • Strategic Innovation — Shaping the Future Enterprise Today

    • Digital Platform — Ecosystems at Scale

    • The Next Normal — Resilient Business and Operating Models

    • Work Transformation — Redefining Teams, Skills, and Leadership

    • Digital Divide — The Imperative of Connectivity

  • Learn More

    • Related Research