target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Oct 2019 - Document type: Web Conference Proceeding: Tech Supplier - Doc  Document number: # WC20191003

5G Versus WiFi 6: Wireless Friends or Foes?


  • Rohit Mehra Loading
  • Brandon Butler Loading
  • Patrick Filkins


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This IDC Web Conference explores how the concurrent development of these (5G and WiFi 6) two high-performance, low-latency wireless connectivity technologies in the licensed and unlicensed domains is creating an enthusiastic debate about whether these technologies will supplement or supplant one another.

In this IDC Web Conference, IDC's network infrastructure team shares insights into the development of each of these technologies and provide examples of how they will coexist and compete with one another. The presentation also explores how important enhancements in each will create new business opportunities for networking vendors and new use cases for enterprise customers.

Topics include:

  • Digital transformation and how 3rd Platform technologies continue to strain the network
  • Overview of 5G New Radio (NR), CBRS, and private LTE developments and deployments
  • Overview of WiFi 6 development and deployments
  • Enterprise use cases for each technology
  • Where 5G and WiFi will compete and where the technologies will coexist


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