target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Aug 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US52530224

What Drives the AI Networking Supplier Partnership?

By:  Mark Leary Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the most important criteria enterprise organizations use to evaluate system and service suppliers and establish strategic partnerships when looking to advance AI support and use across their network infrastructure. These survey results are drawn from IDC's Worldwide AI in Networking Special Report —driven by an extensive worldwide survey of 1,209 enterprise network executives and experts. This survey covers requirements, impact, and plans for both AI workloads across the network and AI-powered networking solutions deployed within the network. The focus of this research is comprehensive, covering datacenters, network core and edge, and network management. While this spotlight offers only a view into total responses, results are available by geographic region, select country, company size, major vertical industries, respondent's role, and AI maturity level.

"IDC research indicates that operational efficiency, work productivity, customer experience, and digital innovation are always top-ranked strategic business priorities. Certainly, AI advancements take direct aim at each of these — and more. So why does IDC research also indicate that enterprise organizations are hesitant to convert their AI efforts from pilot to production? Confidence in infrastructure, concerns for security, constraints in talent … all and more are causing organizations pause. AI networking suppliers must work to break down these barriers. Those suppliers that match up their solution capabilities, support practices, and technology road maps against these barriers properly and promptly are to be the winners in this AI-dominated hyperconnected digital era. For enterprise IT organizations seeking to move sooner and faster with AI, aligning priorities and plans with peers and suppliers is a critical success factor with AI." — Mark Leary, research director, Network Observability and Automation, IDC


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