target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US52342624

Generative AI Use Case Taxonomy, 2024: The Brand-Oriented Value Chain Industry


  • Simon Ellis Loading
  • Eric Thompson Loading
  • Jeffrey Hojlo Loading


  • 28 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation describes key generative AI (GenAI) use cases for four different subfunctional areas within the brand-oriented value chain (BOVC) manufacturers. Although it is just a starting point, and many additional use cases will emerge over time, the ones included in this presentation are a combination of those that we are being specifically asked about by end users and those that appear to us as key opportunity areas for using GenAI tools within the subindustry.

IDC defines a use case as a business-funded initiative enabled by technology that delivers a measurable outcome. There are three broad types of GenAI use cases: productivity use cases that are aligned to work tasks, business function use cases for a specific department or function (marketing, sales, procurement, etc.), and industry-specific use cases. In each case, there are a mix of internal and externally facing use cases, each with its own level of potential risk and business impact that needs to be incorporated into a use case prioritization framework for any organization kick-starting their GenAI journey.


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