Worldwide Industry Ecosystems Strategies

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Meet the Experts

Photo of Jeffrey Hojlo
Jeffrey Hojlo

Research Vice President, Future of Industry Ecosystems, Innovation Strategies, & Energy Insights

Photo of Robert Parker
Robert Parker

Senior Vice President, Enterprise Applications, Data Intelligence, Services, and Industry Research

IDC's Worldwide Industry Ecosystems Strategies covers the emergence of digital technologies in support of industry ecosystem development. Every industry is changing as it embraces a more networked and service-based model, becoming a "hyperconnected" business. Creating a deeper, more data-driven process for value creation is a requirement for every business. These changes will manifest themselves differently in vertical industries based on unique requirements, including resources, assets, people, and processes that add significant complexity (and opportunity) to digital transformation efforts. Our research has shown a focus on shared data and insights, shared applications, and shared operations and expertise. Every industry will have unique characteristics and requirements that will drive the industry ecosystem technology, organization, and business agenda forward.

Markets and Subjects Analyzed

  • Organizations across industry that need a diverse set of ecosystem partners to thrive
  • Shared data and insights, shared applications, shared operations and expertise use cases, technology investments, and organizational structure
  • Industry ecosystem importance/adoption by industry — survey
  • The importance of trust as a value chain and industry ecosystem enabler
  • Business models for future of industry ecosystems — designing industry ecosystems for purpose and profit
  • Enabling physical and digital products and services through industry ecosystems

Core Research

  • IDC MaturityScape: Future of Industry Ecosystems
  • IDC TechScape: Future of Industry Ecosystems
  • IDC PlanScape: Future of Industry Ecosystems
  • DX Taxonomy: Future of Industry Ecosystems
  • Global Survey Report: Future of Industry Ecosystems
  • IDC PeerScape: Future of Industry Ecosystems

In addition to the insight provided in this service, IDC may conduct research on specific topics or emerging market segments via research offerings that require additional IDC funding and client investment.

Key Questions Answered

  1. How do we increase the speed of innovation?
  2. How do I participate in the connected, multipartner technology transformation?
  3. Which new technologies are most important to my industry ecosystem?
  4. What KPIs really matter for industry ecosystems?
  5. What is the appropriate design of my industry ecosystem?
  6. How does my organization make money in a shared, industry ecosystem approach?