target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Note - Doc  Document number: # US52149324

Driving Deeper Value and Adoption of Technology by Rethinking Use Cases

By:  Alan Webber Loading


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This IDC Market Note examines a different way to think about use cases for software and applications, encouraging vendors to shift away from traditional problem–focused use cases to creating a catalog of four tiers of uses cases covering application, industry specific, business models, and business problems.

"Use cases are critical tools for both end-user companies and technology vendors," said Alan Webber, program vice president, Digital Platform Ecosystems at IDC. "The issue is that relying only on problem-focused use cases has reached its end of life. Instead, vendors need to create a catalog that is a hierarchy of structured and connected use cases. This will drive value for both their sales teams and their customers."


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