target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US52131624

AI Datacenter Capacity, Energy Consumption, and Carbon Emission Projections


  • Sean Graham Loading
  • Olga Yashkova Loading
  • Peter Rutten Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective forecasts a significant increase in AI datacenter capacity, energy consumption, and carbon emissions driven by the AI-driven surge in the datacenter market. It highlights the challenges of power shortages, shifting toward energy-efficient and carbon-free operations, and adopting microgrids and renewable energy sources. The document advises datacenter operators on location strategy, programmatic purchases, and sustainability practices to effectively manage operational costs and environmental impact.

"AI's datacenter demands are reshaping power consumption and sustainability, urging a shift toward location and power strategies." — Sean Graham, research director, Cloud to Edge Datacenter Trends at IDC

"AI, especially generative AI, requires dense, high-capacity infrastructure with power and heat dissipation ramifications that organizations must address head on." — Peter Rutten, research vice president, Performance Intensive Computing at IDC

"AI's environmental footprint is complex, but its potential for operational efficiency and sustainability is undeniable." — Olga Yashkova, research manager, Infrastructure Systems, Platforms, and Technologies at IDC


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