target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Web Conference Proceeding: Tech Supplier - Doc  Document number: # US52124724

The Road to Recovery for Client Devices and the AI Impact


  • Tom Mainelli Loading
  • Ryan Reith Loading


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This IDC Web Conference delves into the intricate dynamics of client device markets and the transformative influence of AI technology. From PCs to mobile phones, we'll explore the current landscape and the pivotal role of innovation in shaping recovery and growth. Gain comprehensive insights into forecasts for client device markets, including the trajectory of recovery post pandemic disruptions. Key takeaways include:

  • Explore the primary drivers fueling growth in the client device industry and the factors shaping market demand, from technological innovations to shifting consumer preferences.
  • Examine the transformative impact of foldable devices and AI technology on smartphones and PCs. Assess how these innovations are reshaping user experiences and revenue forecasts, and explore strategies to capitalize on emerging opportunities.
  • Navigate the challenges facing industry players as they race to push the AI agenda forward. From regulatory hurdles to ethical considerations and competitive pressures, understand the complexities of integrating AI technologies into client devices and overcoming obstacles to adoption.
  • Discover the most compelling use cases and cutting-edge developments surrounding next-gen AI on devices for client devices. From AI-powered assistants to advanced predictive analytics, explore how AI is revolutionizing user experiences, enhancing productivity, and driving innovation in client devices.


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