target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US51673024

Hybrid Data Ecosystems: Edge and Cloud Infrastructures Working Together

By:  Carlos Gonzalez Loading


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This IDC Survey Spotlight highlights the growing importance of edge and industrial Internet of Things (IoT) devices for data-driven operations maturity. Edge devices are crucial in providing data insight, operational control, and security features at the operational technology (OT) level. Organizations prioritize edge deployment to maintain control over data and security. Edge devices aggregate data from OT devices, offering better control and insight into site operations and facilitating the transition to data-driven operations and cloud adoption. Combining cloud technology with edge devices enables unified cloud and cloud-enabled edge platforms, supporting autonomous or semi-autonomous operations with highly accurate data models and algorithms.

"As operators develop their digital transformational strategies and dive deeper into data-driven operations, edge devices have become an essential tool to help control data and maintain security at the site of operations," said Carlos M. González, research manager of Internet of Things Ecosystems and Trends at IDC. "It enables faster and more efficient operations, regulating the data at the OT level and enabling cloud operations for enterprisewide initiatives."

This IDC Survey Spotlight is based on IDC's August 2023 Future of Operations Worldwide Survey, which surveyed 864 organizations.


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