target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Apr 2024 - Document type: IDC Survey - Doc  Document number: # US51445624

IDC Survey: Small Business Owners Satisfaction and Concerns Regarding Banking Onboarding and Support Services

By:  Marc DeCastro Loading


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This IDC Survey presents key findings on the sentiment and trends of the U.S. and Canadian bank and credit union members and customers when it comes to their experiences, concerns, and engagement with their financial institution during their financial journey. The data is from the latest IDC Financial Insights' North America Consumer Banking Channel Preference Survey, which was fielded in January 2024. This document specifically looks at the digital banking journey through the lens of the small business owner.

This consumer channel survey has been conducted annually by IDC Financial Insights for over 16 years and provides customer sentiment and trends across the entire omni-channel experience, including branch, ATM, online banking, mobile banking, chatbot services, conversational banking, contact center, and account opening and onboarding experiences.

"While we have seen a leveling off of small business ownership post-COVID, one out of five bank customers are also small business owners," stated Marc DeCastro, research director, IDC Financial Insights. "The demands of the small business customer requires the best digital tools available to help them grow their business. In addition, small business owners are helping fuel a rebirth of the branch as they want the ability to engage with an employee at a branch to conduct research and perform certain transactions."


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