target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Jul 2024 - Document type: Market Forecast - Doc  Document number: # US51423624

Worldwide Enterprise Intelligence Services Forecast, 2024–2028

By:  Jennifer Hamel Loading


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This IDC study presents IDC's spending forecast and historical sizing for the worldwide enterprise intelligence services market by primary services markets ranging from 2019 to 2028. A range of forecast assumptions are factored in. This study does not contain vendor-specific revenue, market shares, or vendor profiles.

"Organizations increasingly seek cohesive approaches to accelerating decision-making and unlocking new business value with modern data environments and analytics, artificial intelligence (AI), and automation capabilities, sustaining double-digit growth in the worldwide enterprise intelligence services market," said Jennifer Hamel, senior research director, Enterprise Intelligence Services at IDC. "Clients continue to need support to navigate the complexities of adoption, which will benefit providers with strong technology partner ecosystems and integrated solutions."


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