target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Oct 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US51295323

Top Enterprise Cybersecurity Shortcomings, 2023


  • Christopher Tozzi Loading
  • Mona Liddell Loading


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This IDC Perspective highlights key trends that define cybersecurity practices at North American enterprises today. Many enterprises continue to face major gaps within their cybersecurity strategies. Although the typical organization has invested in a broad range of cybersecurity tools and strategies, a significant number of enterprises continue to fall short in areas such as remote endpoint security, identity and access management controls, application and software supply chain security, remediation and response, and GRC. The good news is that solutions to close these gaps are available and, in many cases, within easy reach for most organizations. Therefore, enhancing cybersecurity is a matter of identifying which additional tools and practices your organization needs and then adopting them.

"Enterprises clearly take cybersecurity seriously, but given the wide array of threats they face, they are not always successful in managing all types of threats and risks," says Chris Tozzi, adjunct research advisor for IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "CISOs and CIOs must take stock of the gaps within their cybersecurity strategies, then close them before threat actors break through."


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