target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: IDC MaturityScape - Doc  Document number: # US50874123

IDC MaturityScape: Aftermarket Service Transformation 1.0

By:  Aly Pinder Loading


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This IDC study delves into the evolution of aftermarket service transformation, detailing five maturity stages from a completely ad hoc approach with disjointed and manual processes to optimized and autonomous experiences that lead to prescriptive service outcomes. It aims to guide organizations in enhancing their service outcomes through technological and organizational advancements. By identifying key characteristics and outcomes at each stage, this document provides a road map for achieving excellence in aftermarket services, emphasizing the importance of strategic investment in vision, people, process, technology, and data for transformative success. This document is intended to inform organizations, CIOs, CXOs, and aftermarket service leaders responsible for the planning, execution, and delivery of service about the evolution of this set of activities to help identify the steps necessary to advance along a maturity journey of excellence. This document will be followed by the IDC MaturityScape Benchmark for aftermarket service transformation. The benchmark will consist of a quantitative assessment of the current maturity based on end-user survey data. There is an urgency within businesses to excel at delivering customer value to drive new customer attraction, retain current customers, and expand the share of wallet. The aftermarket service operation is becoming the cornerstone of a value proposition that isn't easily broken, and organizations must understand how to maximize this opportunity to woo and wow customers.

"Transforming aftermarket service from ad hoc chaos to optimized excellence is not just an operational upgrade," said Aly Pinder, research vice president, Aftermarket Services Strategies at IDC. "Excellence in the aftermarket has become a strategic imperative and differentiator driving customer satisfaction, operational efficiencies, cost reductions, and revenue growth."


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