target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2023 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US50831323

Guide and Channel Transformation with Change Leadership Strategies and Techniques — Future Enterprise Planning Guide


  • Meredith Whalen Loading
  • Marc Strohlein
  • Niel Nickolaisen Loading
  • David Weldon Loading
  • Joseph Pucciarelli


  • 41 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation provides CIOs with strategy and techniques to evolve their leadership skills to better guide their organizations through and toward change. CIOs will gain a structured change leadership framework to help them develop plans and techniques that build trust and effectively drive strategy and action. Effective change leadership that engages and inspires is required for all levels: senior leadership and LOB executives and their own IT team.

Market opportunities and threats now come primarily via technology and digital business. In this environment, technology leaders must exert strong influence on the organization as they guide it into a technology-rich future. Organizational success in a time of digital transformation and disruption depends on the ability of IT leaders to influence the decisions and direction of the enterprise.

With all this responsibility falling to the CIO, what organizations need now is not just a strong change management program but also robust and innovative change leadership. The CIO must identify needs and opportunities and drive change in the organization. Change leaders not only drive change but also inspire and motivate others to do the same. The CIO's team must formulate the digital change vision, mission, and goals; engage and motivate its workers to embrace and execute the vision; and help create a "flywheel effect" that sustains continuous change.

Change management focuses on tools. Change leadership is strategy and inspiration. Leaders use a structured approach to orchestrating change while creating a compelling vision that influences a broad swathe of stakeholders.

"Digital business requires IT executives to change the way they think, act, work, and lead change initiatives," says Marc Strohlein, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "As leaders, they must spearhead those changes by creating change leadership strategies that serve as primary drivers of change."


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