target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2024 - Document type: Market Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US50772424

Industry Market Forecast: Asia/Pacific Banking, 2024

By:  Abhishek Kumar Loading


  • 23 slides

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This IDC Market Presentation containing the Industry Digital Transformation (DX) Market Forecast provides technology suppliers with an overview of Asia/Pacific regional banking spending for DX and insights into the market context influencing spending for 2024.

This presentation allows readers to understand regional banking DX spending in the context of the total DX investment spent and highlights how banking institutions are investing across industry-specific DX use cases in the region.

By looking at the size of the regional market and top growing use cases, tech supplier executives can better evaluate:

  • Areas for investment in products or services development
  • Sales and marketing campaign prioritization
  • Market penetration

Used in combination with the other industry intelligence reports, this document can help tech providers to gain competitive advantage in Asia/Pacific.

“Technology spending growth remains strong in the Asia/Pacific banking sector, with banks in the region dedicated to numerous ongoing DX initiatives. Customer experience (CX) enhancement continues to be a top spending area focus, with banks seeking to provide benefits, such as enhanced digital banking offerings and faster deployment of new financial products and services to their clients. Now more than ever, banks are working closely with their technology partners to develop their competitive edge through digitalization initiatives,” says Abhishek Kumar, associate research director, IDC Financial Insights.


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