target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: May 2023 - Document type: Market Share - Doc  Document number: # US50586723

U.S. Production Print Market Shares, 2022: High-Speed Inkjet and Monochrome Segments Boost Revenue in 2022

By:  Tim Greene Loading


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This IDC study provides a review of the 2022 U.S. production print market — ranking by shipments and value of shipments.

"The production digital printer market in the United States continues to be a mixed bag, with a strong showing in the high-speed inkjet and monochrome markets. Market share shifts are likely caused by product shortages as much as demand for specific solutions. We're still seeing supply chain challenges that directly impact this segment even though many vendors are focusing on higher-end products. We see vendors building more and more automation into their solutions and driving innovation to enable greater productivity without adding labor." — Tim Greene, research director, IDC's Imaging, Printing, and Document Solutions


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