target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US50207323

Reimagining Approaches to B2B Integration to Support the Future of Industry Ecosystems

By:  Shari Lava Loading


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This IDC Perspective investigates how modernizing B2B is essential to both a broader automation strategy and a broader ecosystem integration strategy. It discusses the need to integrate within industry ecosystems, including the sharing of operations and expertise, to really fuel collaborative innovation. It also discusses how legacy B2B approaches can hamper efforts to increase ecosystem participation and value.

According to Shari Lava, research director, Automation at IDC, "Legacy B2B integration tools have provided stable collaboration between an organization and a business partner for many years. But between the declining inventory of legacy B2B technical skill sets, the slow speeds that can be typical for B2B processing, and the organization's need to increase the number of business partners they collaborate with, it's time to reconsider the tools that will be used to support a future ecosystem integration approach."


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