target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Jun 2024 - Document type: Tech Buyer Survey Spotlight - Doc  Document number: # US50108023

How Important Is It for Marketers to Establish and Govern Enterprise Grade Data to Utilize with AI?

By:  MaryAnn Holder-Browne Loading


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This IDC Tech Buyer Survey Spotlight delves into the imperative for CMOs to take a proactive stance within their organizations, collaborating closely with peers across the organization to build and maintain accurate data to build customer-centric journeys using generative AI (GenAI). CMOs play a critical role in data governance for AI Usage. In today's digital, AI-enhanced landscape, CMOs must now champion the establishment and governance of enterprise-grade data to fully leverage Gen AI in creating personalized customer experiences.

Establishing a robust data governance framework is essential for ensuring data integrity and adhering to stringent data ethics standards. As digital custodians of customer data, CMOs play a pivotal role in safeguarding this information, thus fostering trustworthy omni-channel experiences. These efforts are crucial in building and sustaining strong customer relationships. Moreover, by acting as stewards of customer data, CMOs can drive a customer-centric approach in marketing, using data to craft increasingly personalized journeys. This document explores the strategies CMOs can implement to effectively manage enterprise-grade data, the ethical considerations involved, and the benefits of delivering tailored, trustworthy experiences that enhance customer loyalty and satisfaction. Examples:

  • Building and maintaining trust with customers is critical for marketing. Trust is paramount in stakeholder relationships, making it imperative for CMOs work closely with CIOs to ensure data integrity. Clean, reliable data forms the foundation of transparent and accountable marketing practices, fostering trust with both internal and external stakeholders. As GenAI tools emerge within marketing, it is ever more critical to ensure that data governance is in place to create beneficial customer-led marketing journeys.
  • Delivering trustworthy omni-channel experiences is essential for building strong customer relationships and ensuring consistent, high-quality interactions across touchpoints. The future of marketing lies in delivering seamless omni-channel experiences for customers. As GenAI increasingly becomes a larger presence within marketing, data governance takes center stage. Data governance will be critical to the success and relevance for dynamic, customer-led journeys, and this will create fans for brands.
  • Digital custodianship of customer data is owned by the CMO and the CIO as a partnership across the business. CMOs play a crucial role in the governance of customer data, ensuring its ethical treatment and maintaining the trust and loyalty of customers. CMOs are uniquely positioned to oversee and manage how customer data is stored, collected, and used across all marketing channels.
  • A customer-centric approach means using data for increasingly personalized journeys. CMOs should focus on a customer-centric approach to data management to ensure ethical usage of data, as well as improving personalized customer interactions, improving service delivery, and creating value for customers without compromising their privacy. The bidirectional AI marketing takeover means that customers will employ AI through devices to discover, evaluate, and purchase most products and services.


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