target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Dec 2022 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49820522

Delivering Holistic CX Analytics Services with Best-of-Breed Partner Ecosystems and Proprietary Platforms

By:  Alison Close Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview of the penetration of analytics services as part of managed (outsourced) business process services engagements, including the partnerships and internal IP service providers have invested in to deliver greater analytics capabilities.

"Service providers continue to partner for and build their own IP for core omni-channel components, conversational AI solutions and speech and text analytics," says Ali Close, manager, Intelligent Finance and Customer Care Business Process Services Program, at IDC. "We will see continued investments in these areas as data is still not well connected to the customer journey — driven by unstructured data sources and limited integration of customer relationship management (CRM) and contact center data with other internal and external data sources."


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