target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Aug 2022 - Document type: IDC PlanScape - Doc  Document number: # US49551022

IDC PlanScape: Pervasive Intelligence for Future IT


  • Robert Multhaup Loading
  • Serge Findling


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This IDC PlanScape elucidates the four key steps that the CIO and management team can initiate to develop these pervasive intelligence strategies and capabilities as outlined below. There will be a cost impact, but taking these steps will pay off many years into the future as the business can operate and compete as a true digital business. The four steps are:

  • Identify and prioritize key value streams to determine the business impact.
  • Design a new IT architecture that will enable a data-centric enterprise ecosystem.
  • Define and cultivate a pervasive intelligence culture and organization.
  • Build up a digital business brain trust with an interdisciplinary hybrid pervasive intelligence team.

"Pervasive intelligence isn't something that can just be bought. The old automation rule was 'anything that's repetitive and redundant is going to be automated.' And now with the myriad of artificial intelligence solutions available for commercial use, the new pervasive intelligence rule will be 'anything that is teachable is going to be pervasive intelligence,'" says Robert Multhaup, adjunct research advisor with IDC's IT Executive Programs (IEP). "Improving business performance through pervasive intelligence requires the management team to fully address, understand, take action, and compete on this key question: How good is your data, your architecture, and your AI?"


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