target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Nov 2023 - Document type: Tech Buyer Presentation - Doc  Document number: # US49388722

IDC's Future of Customer Experience Scorecard, 2023

By:  Sudhir Rajagopal Loading


  • 34 slides

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This IDC Tech Buyer Presentation discusses the Future of Customer Experience Scorecard for 2023. While organizations have prioritized customer experience as a top priority for the past few years, providing a good customer experience is not a static effort — technology is changing (both with the company and the customer), along with evolving customer expectations and changes in the business ecosystem and economy. Today, just about 11% of organizations globally have reached the advanced stage in their journey. However, this leading group of enterprises sees a 160% improvement in customer satisfaction and more than 1.5x improvement in profit margins. IDC finds that these enterprises go beyond customer experience as a front-end vanity effort and focus on whole-journey experience transformation that delivers empathetic outcomes.

The scorecard framework evaluates the processes, organizational structures, and enabling technologies that empower enterprises to achieve their top business outcomes through customer experience transformation. This document compares what differentiates leading enterprises from their peers across the customer experience dimensions of contextual awareness, frictionless engagement, active learning, and sentiment measurement and how that leads to increased revenue growth, better profit margins, improved customer satisfaction, and improved employee productivity.


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