target audience: TECH BUYER  Publication date: Mar 2023 - Document type: IDC Innovators - Doc  Document number: # US49316822

IDC Innovators: Integration and API Management Tools and Technologies, 2023


  • Shari Lava Loading
  • Andrew Gens Loading


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IDC Innovators are emerging vendors with revenue <$100 million that have demonstrated either a groundbreaking business model or an innovative new technology — or both. This IDC Innovators study profiles five emerging integration and API management tools and technologies vendors that are offering a differentiated approach to a rapidly changing market that is also set to grow dramatically over the next five years. It discusses why IDC sees each vendor as an innovator and outlines the strengths and challenges of each vendor.

According to Shari Lava, research director, Automation, IDC, "The integration and API management market has many large players that are innovating quickly. But there are also many new entrants that are disrupting the market by providing both additional capabilities such as embedded event-driven API capabilities and platform pricing flexibility that can support the needs of additional types of customers."


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