target audience: TECH SUPPLIER  Publication date: Apr 2023 - Document type: Market Perspective - Doc  Document number: # US49162223

IDC's Top 100 Worldwide Outsourcing-Managed Services Deals of 2020–2022 Update

By:  David Tapper Loading


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This IDC Market Perspective provides an overview analysis of the top 100 worldwide outsourcing-managed services deals in 2022, as well as a trending analysis of these deals for the 2020–2022 period.

"The market and the competitive environment for winning managed services deals require managed SPs to make fundamental changes to their businesses if they want to stay competitive," says David Tapper, VP, Outsourcing and Managed Cloud Services at IDC. "Success for managed SPs requires that they reassess their brand, positioning, and differentiation; emphasize the role and position as a general contractor; build a road map of the impact of automation on labor; implement an integrated matrix for public cloud partners; and create a holistic operating model for clients."


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